
  1. Contribute to the fulfilment of the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ
    in all Lutheran Communities
  2. Train, Equip, Commission, Ordain and or Consecrate Pastors, Evangelists,
    Missionaries, Ministers, Teachers and Church members generally for works
    of service in the Lutheran Church.
  3. Establish, support, and promote the establishment of Bible Study Centres,
    Preaching Stations and Lutheran Congregations in Eastern Uganda and other
    parts of the world, where ever the need arises.
  4. Publish and distribute Bibles, church related books, religious periodicals, and
    other Christian books, and literature according to the needs of the Church and
    its Congregations.
  5. Establish, build, and develop Lutheran Colleges, Schools, and other
    institutions for Christian instructions and promotion of formal education.
  6. Assist, support, and advise local congregations, Pastors, Evangelists and
    Teachers serving under the apostolate of the Church and to supervise such
    parties as to true Biblical and Christian doctrine, practice, and performance of
    their official duties.
  7. Take a holistic approach to Christian ministry by establishing, supporting, and
    promoting projects and programs which serve the social, physical, and general
    development needs of Ugandans as a means of fighting illiteracy, poverty and
    disease in our communities.
  8. Seek and obtain grants and donations in monies and or in material things
    throughout and outside Uganda, as needed to realize the goals and objectives
    of the Church.